
Music in all the different manifestations is a language that everyone speaks. Was there ever a doubt, however, that you will have in mind how many musical instruments there are? There is an incredible diversity of musical instruments: in sound, in appearance, in history reflecting the diversity of the people who use them. If at one end there are the traditional age-old instruments, at the other, modernism, is well and truly present. In this article, we will seek the answers to the questions of how many types of musical instruments there are and how to choose a suitable one for everyone.

Imagine strumming a beautiful guitar, hitting the perfect note on a sleek piano, or creating melodies with an exquisite flute.

The World of Musical Instruments

There seems not to be one absolute number as to how many instruments there are. The total number of instruments which are made or modified or come into being is fluid. However, there are broad classifications of musical instruments and these under each classification fall under tens, if not hundreds of types of musical instruments.

In the opinion of the specialists who study music, the instruments are subdivided into 5 major groups according to the method of sound production.

String instruments (Chordophones)

Wind instruments (Aerophones)

Percussion instruments (Idiophones and Membranophones)

Keyboard instruments

Electronic instruments (Electrophones)

Let us examine every category more carefully and give examples of the most popular and the most exotic instruments.

1.String Instruments: Chordophones.

Like other kinds of instruments, string instruments are defined by the production of sound through the vibrations of the strings that can be strummed, rubbed or smacked. This category encompasses some of the most popular instruments in different forms of music traditions.

Examples of String Instruments.

Violin: A classical instrument that is played with the aid of a bow. It finds its place in an orchestra and has been used for folk songs and rock as well.

Guitar: Another stringed classical instrument, which has been one of the most popular ones worldwide with application in various forms like rock, jazz, blues, and even classical music.

Harp: Ever since the ancient period harp has been in existence as a plucked string instrument which is most celebrated for its heavenly music.

Sitar: A string instrument of Indian tradition that is played for both classical and folk music.

Did You Know? The longest string instrument that can be played is the earth harp and this instrument is huge and measures an astonishing one thousand feet in length.

Actionable Tip: The guitar, because of its multi-functionality and the many instructional materials available makes it easy for a beginner to string instruments to learn it first.

Wind Instruments: Aerophones.

Other than other types of instruments, it is with the help of ‘air’ that sound is made in the instruments, or rather the aerophones (as they are also called); by someone blowing on them personally or by a bellows. Additionally, these can be classified as either woodwinds or brass instruments.

Examples of Wind Instruments:

Flute: This is a woodwind instrument where sound is produced as a result of the flow of air over an aperture. It is used in orchestras, jazz and even in pop music.

Trumpet: This is a brass instrument with a bright penetrating sound that is present in jazz, classical and many marching bands.

Saxophone: This is an instrument that does not clearly fit in either woodwind or brass. It enjoys wide repertoire in jazz and popular music.

Didgeridoo: This is a type of wind instrument that comes from the Australian indigenous cultures which has a rich tone that is low.

Actionable Tip: One of the most inexpensive woodwind instruments such as the recorder or flute works best for beginner musicians. If the player prefers something a little bit more interesting otherwise, he or she will greatly appreciate the saxophone.

Percussion Instruments: Idiophones and Membranophones

Percussion is the art of playing instruments that make a sound by hitting into or shaking or scraping them. Idiophones are instruments that produce sound through the substance of the instrument itself, such as cymbals *whereas membranophones produce sound due to shaking or contours of collapsed surfaces termed membranes.

Examples of Percussion Instruments:

Snare Drum: A type of drum typically found in a drum kit and marching bands, has high pitched sound which is very blunt and crisp.

Xylophone: Xylophone is a musical instrument with bars of wood arranged according to the scale and is played using hammers.

Cajón: It is a Peruvian percussion instrument shaped like a wooden box which varies in sound when played on different sides.

Djembe: A deep pot-shaped African drum which is used barehanded played mostly on the djembe.

Fun Fact: The largest gathering of drummers in one place was in China 2012 with more than ten thousand performers!

Actionable Tip: For starters, it may be an enjoyable experience to begin learning how to play the rhythm instruments by using the hand drum such as Djembe or cajon.

Keyboard Instruments

A keyboard instruments family may also be classified from its name whereby a key is depressed to bring forth sound to the instrument. Such keys are used to strike a cord, force air out of pipes or activate electronic tones and circuits.

Examples of Keyboard Instruments:

Piano: one of the most popular keyboard instruments that is so versatile and is used in classical music as well as jazz and modern pop.

Organ: the core of this keyboard instrument consists of multiple pipes emitting sounds, which, inevitably, can be heard more often in churches and concert halls.

Synthesizer: It is the electronic keyboard instrument during which various sounds can be cut and pieces together as well as made up new ones through some sound synthesis.

Harpsichord: A stringed keyboard instrument preceding the piano. It was in demand in the Renaissance and Baroque ages.

Fun Fact: The Great Organ of the Atlantic City Convention hall organ contains more than 33000 pipes making it the largest pipe organ in the world!

Actionable Tip: The piano can be regarded as a good instrument at the initial stage for those who are keen to master playing a keyboard medium.

Electronic Instruments: Electrophones

These instruments have recently emerged and include any instruments that primarily obtain sound through electric means. These instruments have greatly changed the contemporary music landscape more so in electronic dance music (EDM), pop, and even in avant-garde music.

Electronic Instruments: Examples

Theremin: Played with no contact, this is one of the first electronic instruments ever invented producing very sound without any pinpoint; very spook for sci-fi movies.

Drum Machine: Equipment that electronically recreates drum beats mostly in hip hop, pop and electronic forms of music.

Electric Guitar: the electric guitar has electronic sounds that are amplified in it even if the sounds produced are the same as those of normal guitars.

MIDI Controller: It is an important aspect of sound when producing music since every music producer uses it to command other inbuilt instruments in samplers.

Fun Fact: The Theremin is a unique musical instrument which does not require contact from the player's hands. Hands are used to create the ghostly sound via waved near two antennas.

Actionable Tip: For people who are tech-oriented as well as would like to explore and create modern day music, why not try a synthesizer or MIDI controller, so that you can create and modify compositions without limitations.

Imagine strumming a beautiful guitar, hitting the perfect note on a sleek piano, or creating melodies with an exquisite flute.

Conclusion: An Infinite World of Sound

So, how many musical instruments does a person have? Although there can't be a finite number more so a numerical figure in light of the fact that the world of musical technology and musical traditions is constantly changing, the world over there are thousands of instruments under different groups, each of them has got its place in the whole sphere of music. No matter if you're eager to feel the strings of a guitar, or would want to listen to the hot, breathy tunes of a flute or listen to the thuds of a drum, there is an instrument available for everyone.

The abundant variety of musical instruments is indicative of the extent of human imagination and creativity, and the most encouraging feature is that anyone can take up an instrument and play. Starting from the traditional wooden gitanas and flutes continuing up to modern electronic music tablets, the list of instruments is very big and full of possibilities.

If you are someone whose fingers have never clasped around any instrument before or on the contrary you are an ace and are in need of something new, then it is a safe bet that the exploration of musical instruments is lengthy yet engaging. Grab an instrument, make funny sounds with it and let your soul dance with the music.


1.Which among the following is the most widely used classical musical instruments across the globe ?

The instruments with the widest reach and are the made in most number of genres are the guitars and the pianos.

Is it possible to play more than one musical instrument at the same time?

Of course! There are many instrumentalists that are proficient in a number of instruments especially if the pieces of equipment enhance the same techniques; take for instance violin and viola or piano and keyboard.

How long does it usually take for someone to learn an instrument?

The duration for mastering an instrument will always be determined by the instrument in question and the commitment of the individual. Some persons may be able to learn the basics of the course in months and for some it may even take years.

Which is the ideal instrument for a child to begin its initiation into the art of music?

The other things include ukuleles, keyboards, recorders and such which have been usually suggested for the perusal of young learners because of having less complicated methods of learning.